Articles in peer-reviewed journals in English
Pretend Participation: Procedural Injustices in the Madeira Hydroelectric Complex
Mayer A., García M.A, Castro-Diaz L, Lopez M.C., Moran E.F
Global Environmental Change, vol. 75, 2022, pp. 1-14
Advancing Convergence Research: Renewable Energy Solutions for Off-Grid Communities
Moran E.F, Lopez M.C, Mourãoc R, Brown E, McCright A.M, Walgren J, Bortoleto A.N, Mayer A, Cavallini-Johansen I, Ramos K.N, Castro-Diaz L, M.A García, Cavalcanti Lembi R, Mueller N
The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), vol. 119(46), 2022, pp. 1-12
The Role of Violence in Planetary Health (Commentary article)
Correa C, Marin I, García M.A
The Lancet Planetary Health, vol. 5(3), 2021, pp. e113-114.
Are Large-scale Hydroelectric Dams Inherently Undemocratic?
García M.A., Castro-Díaz L, Villamayor-Tomas S, Lopez M.C
Global Environmental Change, vol. 71, 2021, pp. 1-14
Marin D, Orrego-Varona M, Yanez F, Mendoza L, García M.A, Twyman J, Andrade R, Labarta R
Data in Brief, vol. 18, 2018, pp. 1252-1256
Chirinda N, Arenas L, Loaiza S, Trujillo C, Katto M.C, Chaparro P, Nuñez J, Arango A, Martinez-Baron D, Loboguerrero A.M, Becerra Lopez-Lavalle L.A, Avila I, Guzmán M, Peters M, Twyman J, García M.A, Serna L, Escobar D, Arora D, Tapasco J, Mazabel I, (…), Barahona R
Sustainability, vol. 9, 2017, pp. 1-16
Twyman J, Muriel J, García M.A
Journal of Gender, Agriculture and Food Security, vol. 1(2), 2015, pp. 1-17
Articles in peer-reviewed journals in Spanish
Detrás de las cifras de violencia contra las mujeres en Colombia
García M.A, Ibarra-Melo M.E
Sociedad y Economía, vol. 32, 2017, pp. 41-64
La violencia contra las mujeres: un asunto público
Ibarra-Melo M.E, García M.A
La Manzana de la Discordia, vol. 7(2), 2012, pp. 23-33
Selected working papers in English and Spanish
Joint decision-making and Women’s Agency on Small-scale Farms in Colombia and Nicaragua
García M.A, Godek W, Twyman J
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2021, p. 24
García M.A, Katto M.C, Twyman J, La Hue G, Chirinda N
CIAT publication No. 437, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2016, p. 37
García M.A
CIAT publication No. 410, International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2015, p. 48
Selected policy briefs, info-notes and blogs in English and Spanish
Challenges in Accessing Coffee Pesticide for Female Household Heads in Rwanda.
Gerard A, Lopez M.C, García M.A, Bizoza A.R, Vuguziga B
Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Food Security Policy. Department of Agricultural, Food, and Resource Economics, Michigan State University, 2020, p. 4
Arora D, García M.A.
International Center for Tropical Agriculture, 2019, p. 7
Tafur-Rueda M, García M. A, Muñoz L. A, Twyman J
CGIAR Research Program on Climate Change, Agriculture and Food Security (CCAFS), 2015, p. 6
Are women rice farmers in Latin America?
Twyman J, García M.A, Muriel J
Policies, Institutions, and Markets (PIM) led by IFPRI. Blog, 2015